Relevant to:
This article is relevant to Express Builder users (registered after 01/01/2014).
Old Interface
This article is relevant to Old Interface users (registered before 12/31/2013).
Pointing an externally hosted domain without changing nameservers
If you have a domain managed by a third party and you would like to forward it to your website without changing the name servers, please contact your current domain manager and ask them to update your domain records as follows:
Erase the existing A record (normally there will be two "A" records).
Create a new A record (without WWW) linked to the following IP address:
YourDomainName IN A
Create a new CNAME record for the WWW, which links to as follows: IN CNAME
Link the domain to your website
Once all updates have been made go to "Tools" >> "Site Profile" >> "All Domains" >> "Add domain". Fill in the new domain name, select relevant site code and press "Apply".
Cases when you have to link a domain without changing name servers:
When your domain-affiliated mailboxes are managed by a different provider.
When changing name servers is not technically possible.
When your company has a private DNS server.
All modifications to domain records (A RECORD, DNS, etc.) are updated within 72 hours after the change is made.