A major update was introduced to the form generator - Website Builder - livecity

A major update was introduced to the form generator

The form generator has undergone a major upgrade in the last few days, so we would like to inform you of the changes that were introduced to this tool: 
1. If an error was made while the user fills out the form (for instance, if a mandatory field was left blank, or an improper mail address was typed into the mail field), the problematic field would be highlighted and a message would pop. After the user has seen the message, he can go back to the form and fix it - instead of typing everything again. 
2. The form generator interface was modified and imrpoved to increase the natural flow of work. Instead of a field creator on the left, a list of fields on the right and a preview on the bottom - the window is designed from top to bottom, in a convenient way to use. 
3. Now it is possible to add a comment next to every inquiry sent via the forms. This allows the webmaster to keep track and handle the inquiries better.  
4. A notification was added regarding the number of the inquiries sent from every form (in green). From that number, the system displays how many of these inquiries were not taken care of (in red). This makes it easier to keep track of the unattended inquiries. 
5. A navigation bar was added to the top of the form generator. This enables easy navigation throughout the menus of this tool. 
6. An option to place fields one next to each other was added. You can tick, per every field, a checkbox that states whether it should be placed in the same line as the previous field. The fields will keep on getting placed in one line until one of the fields "breaks" the continuity and would be left unchecked by this setting. 
7. An option to duplicate a form was added to the tool list. This option duplicates the form fully - the fields, settings and design are copied to a new form, making it easier to create several forms out of the same scheme. 

We are constantly looking for new ways to improve the working experience and provide you with an interface like you have never seen before! We welcome you to send feedbacks and ideas regarding the new (and old) tools, so we could keep updating the interface for you. 

Enjoy your usage and have a nice week!

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