Livecity Blog - Website Builder

what is a website builder?

- Posted by Livecity In category Website Builder

If you're thinking of creating a new website, you don't need to hire an expensive web designer or learn how to do any coding. All you need is a website builder.

Website creation made easy

The basic idea of a website builder is similar to using building blocks. You simply take the pieces you want on your website, drop them in place, and you're ready to go! The result is a great looking website without any big price tag.

A free website builder such as Livecity, allows you to create the perfect website without any obligation or big investment. You can make sure you will get the website you want without having to pay anything.

What makes a good website builder

The key to choosing the best website builder for your site is variety. A website builder should allow you to create a website that is right for you. This means having plenty of templates and designs available. After all, your website is a reflection of you. You don't want it to look like every other website filling up the internet!

Another big thing to consider is whether a website builder offers an easy drag and drop designer. This will allow you to do exactly what you want with your site. If you want your contact details on the left, just drag and drop that element there; if you want them on the bottom, it's easy to rearrange. Drag and drop editors are intuitive tools that make it easy for you to make your site look the way you want it to and to include the features that are most important to you.

When you compare website builders, also keep in mind what you are getting for your money. Look for one that offers support, both as you create your website and after you make it live. This gives you the best combination of do it yourself savings and professional knowledge, resulting in a website that looks and works exactly the way you want it to.

Go mobile

With more people browsing websites from mobile devices, such as smart phones and tablets, it's important to choose a website builder that offers responsive design. This is the preferred choice of many search engines, too, because it means your site will give their users the best experience whether they're on a computer, laptop, tablet, or phone.

Responsive design is something that has really changed browsing in the past few years, so choosing a website builder that keeps up with the ways web design has changed gives you the best end result. Look for a website builder that offers cutting edge design technology but still keeps an easy to use platform for you.

Livecity offers just this - a responsive design, giving your site's visitors the best experience - with an easy to use platform for you. You can update your website's content easily, and make changes to the design whenever you need to. With great support, you can also be confident you'll have help when you need it.

10 Ways to Improve Any Website

- Posted by Livecity In category Website Builder

Our website design people are often asked a simple question by folk they know, and it’s this: “What’s the one thing I should do to improve my website?”. Of course, there isn’t a single answer apart from the standard response we’ve carefully taught everybody: “Get our team here at Livecity to create it for you”!

In reality, there are many way to improve a business website. Here, in no specific order, are ten key questions, and they’d act as a terrific quick test as you examine your own:

1. Is your website ready to be easily viewed and used across a range of different platforms? Many have been designed purely for desktop or laptop, and can lose shape and focus when visitors try to access them using iPads or mobiles.

2. Does it quickly grab a visitor? When someone clicks through, their arrival should instantly be followed by a sub-conscious recognition of interest. Otherwise, they may head elsewhere.

3. Is it easy to navigate? People arrive at a home or landing page expecting to be able to move on. If the process is not quickly clear, you may have lost them again.

4. Is it consistently themed? A great advantage of our terrific range of templates is that your complete website is instantly themed through every page – each one showing it belongs to the whole.

5. Does it make full use of HTML5? Many older sites don’t. They are losing much of the flexibility and variety offered by the host of terrific new multi-device oriented features. Which brings us to the next question…

6. Is your website simply tired? You know them when you see them, a bit like those shops where their window displays seem still to be from another age.

7. Do you include all necessary information on every page? Make it easy for any visitor to take action, by providing the basic information about your business, starting with the identifying logo, and such key detail as opening hours, payment methods, location advice, contact methods and the like. It’s amazing how many still miss out the occasional important point.

8. Has your website been proof-read? If a single person creates and manages it, there is a danger that their brain will ignore any simple spelling errors and the like, simply because it knows what they meant to say! Make sure it’s checked – a simple error can prove disastrous to the impression you are aiming to deliver.

9. Is your use of fonts effectively controlled? You’ll see websites that look messy and cluttered simply because too many different fonts have been used. Content needs to be easily read, off-putting fonts bar the brain from doing so.

10. Are you making the most of ecommerce opportunities? This isn’t simply about making such offers, it's about the whole process from finding an item to completing the purchase and this should be both simple and user-friendly. Our Livecity team are highly experienced at the creation of stunning and complete, fully-productive, ecommerce sites.

Ten questions, each suggesting a way by which a website might be improved. If we can help with these, or any other areas, please use the Got A Question box on this page to start a conversation.

What is an HTML form?

- Posted by Livecity In category Website Builder

If you want to spice up your website or use it to gather important information, you can always rely on the versatility and usability of the HTML form. A staple on websites of every genre, this form can be almost anything you want it to be, but it's most useful as a marketing tool. Make better web design decisions by learning about the benefits and details of HTML forms.

Mixture of coding elements

Technically, an HTML form is just a part of a website that includes a variety of different design elements, nested together in one place. These elements are responsible for both giving and collecting information, and they might be text- or image-based. Your standard HTML form can include any of the following:

Text box - you provide summaries, label each entry field, and explain the form.
Entry fields for text - users can enter their own numbers and symbols into blank boxes.
Radio buttons - series of exclusive options.
HTML checkbox - text field that can be clicked, in a series with other options.
Drop-down menu - user can select from a list of prompts.
Link button - user can click it to submit the data or visit a new page.

These various elements work together as one unit, and they almost always get their own web page within the site. It's a good idea to eliminate distractions and focus on gathering accurate data, but don't make it too time-consuming by asking too many questions.

Versatile way to collect user data

Different sites have different uses for customer data. Bloggers collect readers' email addresses to provide updates and keep them reading, retailers promise exclusive sales to website members, and businesses offer everything from free quotes to coupon codes in exchange for a few pieces of contact information. If you want to collect user data for any reason, you can rely on an HTML form to do it for you.

Point-of-sale system for online transactions

Of course, the most useful data is usually financial information. If you want to conduct online transactions, your POS will almost always be an HTML form. You'll need to secure your customers' privacy by making sure your website is encrypted, especially if you're collecting credit card numbers or routing numbers. If you incorporate rich elements from PayPal or BitCoin providers, you won't even have to worry about handling the financial part at all.

Interactive content that drives user engagement

The information you collect with HTML forms doesn't necessarily have to be practical. Fun forms include quizzes, opinion polls, and sweepstakes entries, all of which require nothing but the user's time. Interactive content is always a great way to make people feel like active participants in your business, which in turn makes them more likely to share your website with others. People also like to feel heard, so you can show respect by asking for feedback. Solicit questions and comments with a feedback form, and respond to every submission to make sure there's continued communication between you and your potential customers.

What is a favicon?

- Posted by Livecity In category Website Builder

Even if you don't know favicons by name, you know what they are. A favicon is a small website icon that is usually displayed in a browser's address bar, next to the URL of a site. For example, Wikipedia's favicon is a capital W on a plain white background. If you want to design a good website, you need to put some thought into the favicon that will follow it everywhere. Every time someone opens your website in a browser tab, types its URL into an address bar, or adds it to their bookmarks, they'll see it. That tiny graphic that accompanies your website's title is an essential part of your online image, so don't neglect it or settle for something generic. Put the right finishing touch on your website by selecting or creating a favicon that's fit to represent your website.

Easy way to brand yourself

What better way to start building your brand identity than by giving yourself a logo? The favicon is every website's constant companion, and it's a reflection of the website in every way: style, color, and creativity factor. Most businesses, publications, and online retailers have a simple and easily recognizable logo that doubles as their favicon; think fast food arches and the Google "g".

However, if you don't have or need a logo, your favicon is the closest you'll get to branding yourself. It will follow your website everywhere, making sure it doesn't get lost among other tabs or bookmarks, so it's your job to make sure it pops. If you have a niche website with a clear topic or theme, you might want to consider a simple and easy-to-recognize graphic that doesn't need very much detail. For example, one fashion retailer uses a stylized handbag, and an online music streaming service has a favicon that resembles a tiny radio.

Create your own favicon

You don't have to be a graphic designer to create a favicon of your very own. Because favicon size is limited to the pixels that fit in browser tabs and tool bars, you can create something simple on a larger scale before shrinking it back down for use. And if you do decide to design your own favicon, you can be sure your website always stands out. Instead of picking from a gallery of favicons that are generic or recognizable, you can brand your website with its very own favicon. This unique graphic can be your website's logo, your initials, or anything else that represents the spirit and purpose of the site.

There are multiple free favicon generators, but the most comprehensive is You can even pick from a gallery of thousands of open source favicons, open them up in larger scale, and tweak them to get a feel for the favicon-creation software. Add tweaks to a set of initials, borrow some simple geometric shapes and change their colors, or play with the generator until you've created a tiny logo that works for you.

Livecity added a favicon tool that creates an automatic favicon for every website. Activate it and play with the settings to see what we can create for you, or take matters into your own hands and teach yourself how to design a favicon of your own.

What is a content management system?

- Posted by Livecity In category Website Builder

A content management system (CMS) is a type of software that can create, publish, manage, store, and display content. While a wide range of industries use CMSs for a variety of purposes, their most popular use today is for building and managing websites and their content. In most cases, this is done through a simple graphical interface that allows users to build custom and up-to-date websites without having to know complicated programming languages and procedures.

Information overload: a need for content management

As computers and the internet gradually became larger parts of everyday business and personal life in the late 1990s, information itself became a commodity. For the first time in human history, people from across the globe were now able to create, store, and share valuable – or, in some cases, not-so-valuable – information through a common medium. Through this came the advent of web content, whose creation, publishing, and management became an entirely separate industry.

With such a large amount of information to deal with, people needed ways to manage it all. Through this necessity, the first content management systems were created to conveniently store and index a wide array of business information. As the internet continued to grow, CMSs gradually became an integral part of the web.

Content management systems today

Today, there are a number of different types of content management systems, each of which serves a slightly different purpose. However, it's important to keep in mind that all CMSs essentially provide the same basic functions: creating, publishing, managing, storing, and displaying content. It's how the system applies these functions, however, that makes them different. Below are a few of the most popular types of CMSs used today:

Information management CMS: Business enterprises both large and small have a lot of content to deal with. As a result, they rely on CMSs to manage, store, and search for information when they need to. While this may sound like a very basic function, it meets a very important need. If today's largest companies didn't use a CMS it would likely take an army's worth of people (and filing cabinets) just to keep track of all their information!

E-commerce CMS: The ability to create, manage, and display information on the web has made CMSs especially useful for e-commerce applications. In the past, long distance ordering often took the form of looking through a catalog and sending item numbers to a business through phone or mail. CMS systems completely automated this function by simply storing product information in a database that could be displayed through an online storefront. Today, e-commerce is a thriving industry that has provided major competition for physical storefronts and catalogs.

Website building CMS: In their most basic form, websites are a visual display of information and content. The coding languages used to make a website, however, can be complicated and inconvenient to learn for a vast majority of people. To help make website building easier than ever, companies such as Livecity have utilized CMSs to help users build modern and code-compliant websites through simple and easy-to-use interfaces. Today, website building CMSs account for over 100 million of the internet's websites!

What is a WYSIWYG web builder?

- Posted by Livecity In category Website Builder

When most people design a website for the first time, they rely on a WYSIWYG web builder to put it together. If you don't know how to code or design online content yourself, this free platform makes it possible to create and edit web pages without seeing their source codes at all.

WYSIWYG is an acronym that stands for "what you see is what you get", which is true for the content you create on website builders like ours. Livecity software belongs firmly in the WYSIWYG category, because you can use it to build your own website without any coding knowledge. Instead of making tweaks blindly, you can rely on live previews to guide you through each and every change you make. But WYSIWYG web builders are more than just page editing software.

Work with a page builder

Fundamental web design consists of two very different worlds: the source code that contains all the vital information, and the way it appears when you display the website in a browser. The standard free WYSIWYG web builder bridges these two worlds, allowing you to change the source code by manipulating elements on the page itself. Sometimes you can literally drag and drop the content, rearranging it and adding new objects, but most templates require you to work within less flexible boundaries.

Start with a template

Starting from scratch can be daunting and downright impossible if you don't know the basics of web design. That's why, for most novice web designers, a WYSIWYG web builder is only as good as the templates it offers. Templates are pre-coded designs that provide the skeleton of your website's layout. Some are more customizable than others, but the less confident or knowledgeable you are about web design, the fewer liberties you should take with your template options. Most already feature color palettes and fonts that complement each other, and spaces to insert your images and text into the design.

Learn about web design

Initially, using a WYSIWYG web builder doesn't require any special coding or computer knowledge. It makes web design more accessible, because as you select options from menus, the software generates new codes and refreshes the website as you go. But if you pay attention throughout the process, you can actually use the opportunity to learn more about web design. You can usually view the codes; in fact, some web builders even require you to manually add things like Google Fonts and custom widgets. Simple HTML involves tweaks like font colors and hyperlinks, so try playing with the code by making these obvious changes.

Visualize the final product

No matter how sleek and user-friendly your website is, it might not always translate to every user the same way. By using a web builder that offers a live display mode, you have a better chance of avoiding any common compatibility mistakes. Use your web builder to preview your content with different screen sizes, devices, browser types, and color settings. Most web builders, including Livecity, even incorporate automatic mobile website optimization taking your website and rearranging it into a phone-friendly layout.

How to Make a Free Website

- Posted by Livecity In category Website Builder

Whatever your business, you need to be online. Consumers expect that they will be able to find out about you on the web, and are likely to head to your competitors if they can't find you. If you don't have a budget for a web designer, though, you aren't automatically out of the running. It's possible to make a great website for free.

The first step to making a free website is finding a hosting platform that offers everything you need. Look for a service that offers multiple templates, ecommerce, and the latest technology, such as HTML5. LiveCity can help you create a great looking site that includes everything you want and need for your business.

Secondly, start creating the content. You'll be surprised how easy it is. In most cases, the content will be things you have already produced. A contact page is an essential element of any website. The best sites include both traditional contact methods -- such as your business' name, address, phone number, and email address -- as well as an easy contact form that visitors can fill out and submit directly from your site.

Other pages to include should be an introduction or "about us" page, which explains who you are and what you offer. If you are selling a product, having an ecommerce page can allow your customers to buy from you right on the spot. A great landing page will welcome visitors to your site and help direct them to the more detailed pages that make up the rest of your website.

Of course, even a free website needs to look great. With a drag and drop editor, LiveCity's free web builder allows you to easily design your website. This means you can get your website up and running quickly, too. Unlike a website you pay a designer to build for you, you don't need to wait to get your free website online.

Every business can benefit from having a website, and many individuals can also benefit from having a personal website. You don't need to pay the earth for it, though, and you don't need to be a technology whiz, either. Getting online can be done quickly and easily, and without cost, by using a free website builder such as LiveCity. Using this, you can have a professional, attractive site that can get you noticed for all the right reasons.

How do i create a website?

- Posted by Livecity In category Website Builder

It seems that everyone has websites these days whether they are promoting their own storytelling and creative writing or advertising their latest services and products. If you are thinking about getting online, you have probably started looking into building your own website and been bombarded with information. As a company that has taken over ten years to craft itself into a leading service provider, we know how that feels. That’s why we have taken the time to put together this short guide to help you create your first website.

1. Ideas and Planning Stage

The first thing you should do if you are creating a website is sit down and take the time to plan out your ideas properly. You will probably have a lot of ideas about the type of website that you want to create or the look and feel of the user experience. It is important to get these ideas clear at an early stage to save yourself time later and to ensure that you can communicate as well as possible with others involved in your project.

2. Design Stage

The design stage is probably the most fun as this is where you get to see your ideas and plans come alive, but it is also one of the toughest in terms of getting everything right. Designs are imperative for ensuring that functionality is not compromised later on in the process. Play around with different themes, backgrounds, headers, texts, images, interactive content like sound files and videos, and communications modules like forms and share buttons until you get your website looking and working exactly how you envisioned.

3. Launch Stage

Once you have your website up and running and you have gone through all of the necessary tests to make sure that each button works and each links directs to its intended content, you need to start thinking about launch. Launching a family website where everyone can share photos safely and privately may involve a launch that consists of everyone being sent usernames and passwords but websites with a wider reach will need something more to get used. Promote via the Internet by putting your new website in your email signature and sharing on social media as well as engaging in traditional advertising mechanisms like newsletters and handouts to gain maximum exposure.

How can livecity help?

Livecity is a website building platform that lets anyone easily and affordably create a website and share it with the world. The expert team can guide you through the process or simply be there in case you need them. To find out more about what livecity offers, visit

What is HTML5 and why it’s better your website have it

- Posted by Livecity In category Website Builder

The friendly team here at Livecity, at work and outside, are often asked by customers or friends to explain some of the terms they use without thinking about them. This regularly reminds us that not everyone speaks the same language that we do! One question that has been regularly asked over the last couple of years is: “What exactly is HTML5?”. The obvious answer, but not necessarily completely helpful, would be that it’s an upgrade to HTML4!

All about HTML (and version 5)

Therefore, let’s start with a quick look at HTML itself (feel free to skip this bit if you already know). HyperText Markup Language is the language used to create web pages and is written in the form of tags enclosed in angle brackets such as
. A web browser then has the capability to read and interpret these tags and use the information to create visible or audible web pages. HTML5 is, as you’ve guessed, the fifth revision of the first creation in 1990, and was the first major change for fifteen years since HTML4 was standardized in 1997.

In 2012, it was recommended by W3C – the World Wide Web Consortium, the main standards organization for the web. Professional designers and programmers have already favorably commented on its cleaner markup and improved code, enhanced semantics and accessibility, and even its elegance (a high compliment from such demanding folk).

The benefits of the Livecity HTML5 Website Builder

As we've already seen, every business has its private language – those words and phrases that people working in that industry or marketplace fully understand and often use without thinking, sometimes to the confusion of “outsiders” – often customers. Through our use of HTML5 you can quickly create your own professional and user-friendly website, without needing to know or use any programming language or skills. As the latest upgrade, now accepted as the industry standard and recommended for use, it contains powerful advancements on the previous versions. It is supported by all key web browsers and can quickly be both read and deciphered by major search engines. Incidentally, this makes it quite different from Flash, which is unreadable by these same search engines.

What free HTML5 brings to your Livecity created website

Using the latest technology means that its innovative features are available to be incorporated into your website. Would you like a video or sound clip to be part of your webpages? No problem! Keen to use some 2D animations? Same answer!

Another terrific piece of news is that, through using version five, your site’s layout is automatically adjusted for all the different devices that support it. Our free Livecity HTML5 website builder can help you get started as soon as you wish.

What this all means for you

No matter your level of expertise in the field of either programming or design, the real key is to be able to quickly create a stunning and professional website that best presents your business message to those interested in finding and benefiting from it. Like any other indispensable tool, that’s really how HTML5 truly best helps you.

5 Things people hate about your current website

- Posted by Livecity In category Website Builder

Even the best website has room for improvement, but many sites have a few issues. While you might not regularly ask your customers or even people you know what they think about your website, it can be a good way to see what you can be doing better. A better website can mean more customers, and more return visits by existing customers.

If you're worried about asking friends, family, and customers what they think, take a look at our list of the five things people will probably say they hate about your current website.

1. How it looks on mobile browsers

A growing proportion of internet users are doing all or most of their browsing on phones and tablets. It's no longer enough to simply make a website look fantastic on large screen computers. You also need to ensure that it'll look great on a smaller device. This means no tiny buttons for navigation, huge images that won't resize, and no Flash.

Flash has been a great way to make your site look great. Unfortunately, some of the most popular phones and tablets don't support it. This means that if your site is built entirely in Flash, these users won't be able to see what you have to offer, no matter how it looks.

2. The navigation (or lack thereof)

Website users like to be able to get around. Having a clear navigation structure makes this possible. Remember that whatever page a visit starts on, you want them to explore the rest of your site. This means having navigation on every page. While it doesn't need to be a bar across the top of the page, it should be available somewhere.

Another key part of any navigation is a page with contact details. Don't just rely on a contact form, as many users won't want to contact you in this way. Instead, have a page that includes your address, phone number, and email address. A contact form can be added alongside this, but should never take its place entirely.

3. The loading time and auto start media

Whether they're using a phone, tablet, or computer, people want websites to load quickly. If it doesn't, they'll move on to a different one. One of the big offenders for slow load times is multimedia that automatically starts. This is a double sin for any website, as it makes the page sluggish and can be an unwelcome surprise to have your video start blasting out of the speakers.

4. SEO focused copy and stock photography

SEO is important, and so are images. However, your website should always be made for people first and search engines second. This means making sure that any copy you have on your website reads well and is easy to understand. Keywords can be included, but shouldn't be your main focus.

Similarly, your images should be real photos of what you actually do, not stock photos that users have seen on hundreds of other websites. It's better to have fewer images that are unique than lots of stock photos.

5. Out of date content

This is a quick way to turn anyone off your page. Don't just create a site and run. A simple addition like a blog can make a big impact, and give you a way to regularly update your content. This will help with your search engine rankings and make customers more interested in your site.

5 frustrating reasons why I'll leave your website in just ten seconds or less

- Posted by Livecity In category Website Builder

Imagine you have a store in a busy shopping mall. Many people will stroll by your windows, stop for a moment, and then a number of them will call in. These are casual visitors who will have a quick glance and then either stay or leave. A second group will have visited the mall for a small number of specific reasons and visiting your store is one of them. They will enter, try to find what they are looking for. If they find it, or are greeted by a member of your staff, then they will stay a while.

This process is much the same when you use the terrific tools here at Livecity to create your own business website. Your aim should be to retain, and then work with, those interested visitors. Imagine you are one of them. Here are five reasons why you might arrive at the website but then quickly leave.

I’m in the wrong place - 1

You have used a search engine to seek out a specific product or service. You believe you have found it so you click through. Instead of finding the information you seek, you have arrived at a general homepage. You quickly return to the search engine and try another link. Solution: make sure you have landing pages that are specific to each individual product or service search.

I’m in the wrong place – 2

As with the previous point, but I am responding to a time-limited or special offer. When I arrive at the landing page it either tells me the offer is no longer available or makes a different, current, offer. I shout at the screen and promise never to trust that business again! Solution: use separate landing pages for any special offer. Once it’s over, change the copy to provide a link to where the product or service is now located. You will probably still lose some visitors, but others will still want the item, even if at the original cost. At least you are making the best of a bad job!

It’s too technical for me

You arrive because you want to buy a product or use a service about which you have only a limited knowledge. The page you visit is packed with information, but it is expressed in highly technical terms, or industry jargon. You quickly realize that you don’t understand much of what is being said. Solution: make sure the language you use is customer-friendly rather than expert-driven.

I’m quickly disengaged

Allied to the previous point, the page you arrive at isn’t clearly presented, welcoming and user-friendly. It’s like being ignored by the staff when you enter a store. Your positive attitude quickly dissipates. Solution: ensure your site is friendly, simple and welcoming – make people want to stay rather than find a reason to leave.

The next step lets me down

You’re in a hurry and click through to a specific page. It quickly tells you what you need to know and you are ready to complete the purchase. Your second click takes you to a page where an excess of information is required, or you are expected to register to then be allowed to buy. Angrily, you close the link. Solution: keep your processes as quick and simple as you can.

Just ten seconds

Each of the above can lose you potential custom in less than this time. Worse, the prospective customers can then have a negative impression of your business and pass this along to others. It’s very easy to lose so many potential sales without ever even knowing you could have gained them! Use the solutions here to help avoid this sad situation.

How to make a website for free

- Posted by Livecity In category Website Builder

Creating your own website is much easier than it used to be. With many free tools available on the Web, you can start designing your website today. There are three main elements you need to create a website for free. These include your domain name registration, your hosting service, and your website content design. If you already have a domain name, then you can start designing your website using a hosting service. Livecity offers a free tools to help you create your entire website without any existing knowledge of Web design or services.

Register your domain name

Before you can start creating your website, you need to select a domain name - the Web address visitors will use to access your site. You must acquire the rights to the domain name through a registration service. Domain registration is bundled for no additional fee with many hosting plans, and is provided for free if you subscribe to Livecity's Advanced, Professional or Gold packages. If you want to register your domain separately for free, you can register less-common domains through other services, such as, and After you've registered a domain name, you must find a hosting service to transfer your domain to.

Transfer your domain to hosting service

A hosting service stores your website's content on its servers and provides visitors with direct access to your site. You will need to unlock your domain name from the registering service before you can transfer your site to a new host. If you're expecting a lot of traffic to your website, then you may want to select a hosting service with the necessary bandwidth. Some free hosting services include, and You can transfer your domain to Livecity for a free 14-day trail with 200MB of bandwidth. You can change your plan at any time if you decide you need additional bandwidth or storage space for your site.

Design your pages

Templates offer an easy method to create a professional looking website with no knowledge of coding languages. While you can create your own web pages using HTML and CSS code, selecting pre-configured templates can help your site stand out. Choose from hundreds of themes and styles to find a template that matches your industry, brand or interest. Livecity offers free website templates from top designers that are pre-configured for all of your needs, including e-commerce, landing pages and corporate websites. You can also create an e-commerce Web store on your site using one of Livecity's templates which supports Google Checkout, PayPal, SSL and more. Each of Livecity's templates are designed to optimize automatically to mobile devices.

How to create a website for free with Livecity

- Posted by Livecity In category Website Builder

Many business owners are unaware of the fact that they can set up a c that will attract new customers, as well as serve the needs of existing ones. Livecity is an option that allows business owners to set up a professional website without making a major financial commitment. Another advantage is that you have access to web designers, writers and other professionals who can help you.

1. When you set up a website on Livecity, you have the choice of setting up a corporate site, landing page or shop. Hundreds of colorful, professional templates are available for you to use. Choose a template and click on the blue Open Website button.

2. You will be prompted to open a new account if you don't already have one. This is a simple process that just takes a few minutes. once you are logged in, enter the site name and your phone number into the appropriate boxes. Make sure that you have clicked the button stating that you agree to the terms and conditions.

3. It might take a few moments for your new site to load. Be patient, because this will help ensure that the features you need for your site load properly.

4. The features you will need to make the first few changes to your site can be found by clicking on the right side of the screen. You can change your background, edit the content found on the page, select the fonts for the text and optimize it for mobile users.

5. You can also customize your site further by using the navigation bar at the left side of the screen. Some of the options here include adding images and photo galleries, creating contact forms and adding YouTube videos. Use the pull-down menu near the top of the left side of the screen to see all of the extra features added by category. The Save button at the top left of the screen will save all your changes in case you need to return later.

6. If you need to add additional pages, use the Pages button at the top of the screen near the left side. Enter the name for the page, then choose which of the site menus, if any, you want it to appear in. Always make sure you save your changes so that the site will be just as you left it when you return. After you've made the changes, use the Subscription button near the top right to choose your hosting option.

How to make your own website

- Posted by Livecity In category Website Builder

No medium is more relevant today than the world wide web. Everyone who is anyone is using it to either gain information and amusement or to provide it. The good news is, anyone, even you, can create a website from scratch. You do not need to be a technical genius or a software developer; thanks to the amazing technology and services available over the Internet currently, you can make your website from the comfort of your own home or office. With this website, you can enhance your online presence for whatever business or personal venture you aspire to.

No coding necessary

As a professional in your own respective field, it is no surprise that you have no idea how to build a business from scratch. Still, you need one and you'd like the freedom to be able to accomplish that on your own, without hiring expensive web designers to do the job for you.

You can create your own site using a website builder. A website builder is an application and service bundle which can be accessed and used remotely. There are scores of site builders out there, but the most reliable and intuitive by far is

This site builder is by far the most friendly toward web development novices. Unlike other site builders, Livecity does not require you to know or understand any coding language; you can upload information to your site easily using forms and menus. The content then shows up properly on your site without all the back-end hassle of programming.

A unique domain address

Your business will thrive on a domain address that is easily associated with your brand or product. Similarly, if you create a site for a personal reason, a unique domain name associated directly with you can bring visitors to your site in droves.

When you create your own website, you have the freedom and the opportunity to decide on a domain address and claim it as your own. You can acquire it without paying a fortune.

Whether you choose a .net, .com, or .org extension, you can rest assured that your domain name cannot be copied, reused by someone else or stolen while your unique site is up.

Making a website for personal or business purposes will automatically enhance your online presence. It will also make you appear more credible to those who visit it; your potential customers understand that once you have a website, you mean serious business. With the ease of use regarding website builders like the one mentioned earlier, you have no valid excuse not to create your own site today.

How to create your own website

- Posted by Livecity In category Website Builder

So you have a great idea that needs a great website to ensure it hits the ground running. What next? Creating websites can be an expensive and complex task if you are not sure about where to go and how to get started. In this post, we give our top tips for creating your own website to promote your ideas, products and services.

1. Plan, plan, plan!

It is no good going into the process of creating a website unless you have put in some thinking time beforehand. Planning is an essential part of any website creation process and there really is no such thing as ‘too much planning’. Planning not only helps you to communicate your ideas better in the short term which means a smoother set up process, but it also means that in the long run you are less likely to run into the types of website problems that could have major negative impacts upon your business or organization.

2. Get fluent in the latest technology

If you are creating a website you are moving into a field that is incredibly fast paced and dynamic. The constant evolution of new technologies mean that new possibilities keep being created for website owners whether you are setting something up so that you can upload pictures of your dog for all your friends to see or whether you are building an online portfolio to show off your latest products and designs. Do you know about making content shareable for all types of social media account? What about how to make videos interactive so that people have more control over what they see and buy? New technologies are important so try to keep up whilst creating your own website.

3. Partner with the right people

Partnerships are possible throughout the entire website creation process whether you are ordering blog posts or photographs or ensuring that your site has the latest tech support and infrastructures. Make sure that you know how your new partners operate and ensure that they have the experience to pull off the tasks you need them to do.

How can livecity help?

Livecity is a website builder that offers the latest technologies in website creation so that you can focus on growing your business. Their expert team has been building Livecity for more than ten years and their services are available around the globe. For more information, visit

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