Relevant to:
This article is relevant to Express Builder users (registered after 01/01/2014).
Advanced Editor
The Advanced Editing Interface offers great functionality in customizing the text to your needs.

Bellow is a list of all the buttons and their functionality in the editor:
- New Page - Clears everything in the text box.
- Preview - Shows the text itself as seen by a browser.
- Cut, Copy, Paste - The basic Cut Copy and paste functions.
- Copy as plain text - Clears any formatting added by external text programs when copying and pasting from them.
- Print - Enable you to print the text in the editor.
- Undo, Redo - Reverts back and from recently made changes.
- Find - Enables to search in the editor.
- Find & Replace - Enables to search and Search & Replace in the editor.
- Select All - Selects all the text in the box.
- Remove Format - Removes all the format elements from the text, reverting it back to plain unformatted text.
- B,I,U,S - Bold, Italicize,Underline or Strikethrough.
- Superscript, Subscript - Enables you to add a text line in the Sub or Sup position.
- Numbered List - Forms a numbered list from the selected text.
- Bullet List - Forms a bullet list from the selected text.
- Indent - Increases or decreases the indent of the text paragraph.
- Blockquote - Sets the Blockquote tags for the selected text.
- Align - Aligns the text to the left, center or right of the text box.
- Text Direction - set text direction : Left to right or Right to left.
- Link - Links the selected text. You can link to a page in website, a page in a different website, a file or an email address.
- Unlink - Cancels a link in the selected text.
- Anchor - Creates a location on the page that can be linked to from within the same text box, Useful for extra long lists.
- Image - Adds an image to the text box - You can choose to add an image from four locations:
- Your own PC.
- The file manager.
- The system’s gallery.
- An external link.
- Flash - Adds a flash file to the text box - You can choose to add a flash file from three locations:
- Your own PC.
- The file manager.
- An external link.
- Table - To add a table, click the “Table” icon.
Once you finish configuring the table click “OK”
- Insert Horizontal Line - Adds a horizontal line to the text box.
- Insert Special Character - Allows you to add characters that are not found in the keyboard, such as the Copyright mark.
- Font - Sets the font of the selected text. If no text is selected the entire text changes.
- Size - Sets the size of the selected text.
- Text Color - Changes the text color of the selected text.
- Background color - Sets the background color of the text itself, Not the text box.
- Maximize - Maximaze the size of the aditing text area.